In Spain, wpd can further expand its successful commitment of many years and is on the road to success even in difficult times due to corona. Following the implementation of three projects in record time in 2019, construction work is now underway on the fourth project of the Torozos project cluster, the „Corralnuevo“ wind farm.

The wind farm with a total capacity of almost 42 MW consists of 12 Siemens Gamesa G132 wind turbines (3.4 MW each) and will be connected to the Spanish power grid via the connection point in La Mudarra, the largest substation in the northeast of the country. The Torozos plateau in the Castilla y León region, where the El Poleo, Las Panaderas and Navillas wind farms already produce green electricity, is known as the „engine of the Spanish energy revolution“. The wpd parks already connected to the grid contribute a total nominal output of 135 MW.

In the construction of the Corralnuevo project, wpd can rely on the experience gained from the successful realization of the other parks in the Torozos portfolio and report corresponding progress. „The ground works are progressing very well, so that despite the Corona pandemic, the construction process is completely on schedule,“ explains Arvid Hesse, the responsible country manager.

The company is thus ideally equipped to master the current challenges and to further expand its position as a major force in the renewable energy sector. „The Corralnuevo project shows how well wpd is positioned even in difficult times and in a very competitive market,“ says the company’s board member Dr. Hartmut Brösamle.

Both the completion of the work and the feed-in of the first electricity are expected in the fourth quarter of 2020. After completion of the final project phase in the Torozos portfolio, wpd will then contribute a total of 177 MW of output for Spain’s energy turnaround from there.

About wpd
wpd AG develops and operates wind farms on- and offshore and solar parks. The Bremen-based German company is active in 25 countries worldwide and has realized wind energy projects with around 2,270 wind turbines and an output of 4,720 MW. The project pipeline comprises a total of 11,300 MW onshore, 7,400 MW offshore and 1,150 MW solar energy.